Ozeki Ng Sms Gateway Software Download Opening Ozeki NG SMS Gateway 2.0 software 12/20/2010 Sovzond successfully implemented the Ozakiye SMS GATEway 2.0 system throughout Russia as part of a project to create a single information space based on the Ozkiye SFT Gateter solution. The project is aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of the work of dispatch services involved in the operation of automatic scales, as well as reducing the number of false alarms due to incorrect readings of the scales. The Ozarki SFGate solution allows you to increase the speed of processing messages from the scales and increase the level of system reliability. It is also possible to provide additional services: SMS-notification of the operator (at the request of the client) - up to 2 messages per day, 25 rubles per minute SMS mailing - up to 4 messages per month, 25 rubles. in a minute. SMS targeted mailing is possible only with the help of the Ozerate service Specialized Ozki SMS Gator software was used to set up the Ozcate web interface server and launch the project. 3e8ec1a487
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